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A stock reduction analysis (SRA) model is fitted to the age-composition from the last 3 years (or less if fewer data are available)


CompSRA(x, Data, reps = 100, plot = FALSE)

CompSRA4010(x, Data, reps = 100, plot = FALSE)



A position in the data object


A data object


The number of stochastic samples of the MP recommendation(s)


Logical. Show the plot?


An object of class Rec-class with the TAC slot populated with a numeric vector of length reps


A stock reduction analysis (SRA) model is fitted to the age-composition from the last 3 years (or less if fewer data are available) assuming a constant total mortality rate (Z) and used to estimate current stock depletion (D), \(F_\textrm{MSY}\), and stock abundance (A).

Abundance is estimated in the SRA. \(F_{\textrm{MSY}}\) is calculated assuming knife-edge vulnerability at the age of full selection.

The TAC is calculated as \(F_\textrm{MSY} A\). CompSRA4010 uses a 40-10 harvest control rule to reduce TAC at low biomass.


  • CompSRA: TAC is FMSY x Abundance

  • CompSRA4010: With a 40-10 control rule based on estimated depletion

Required Data

See Data-class for information on the Data object

CompSRA: CAA, Cat, L50, LFC, LFS, MaxAge, Mort, steep, vbK, vbLinf, vbt0, wla, wlb

CompSRA4010: CAA, Cat, L50, LFC, LFS, MaxAge, Mort, steep, vbK, vbLinf, vbt0, wla, wlb

Rendered Equations

See Online Documentation for correctly rendered equations


T. Carruthers


if (FALSE) {
CompSRA(1, MSEtool::SimulatedData, plot=TRUE)

CompSRA4010(1, MSEtool::SimulatedData, plot=TRUE)
#> TAC (median) 
#>     3944.184